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The 4th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences was held on March 10-22, 2014 in Punta del Este, Uruguay

The main objective of the Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences -LASchool- is to build bridges between these disciplines, with the purpose of fostering science-based innovations in all areas of Education. It is a special event at many levels, where students and faculty work together to explore new solutions and generate project proposals potentially relevant for the development, design and implementation of effective educational practices.

The first LASchool (2011) took place in Atacama, Chile, the second LASchool (2012) was held in Patagonia, Argentina, and the third LASchool (2013) was in Bahia, Brazil. Those experiences are part of a continuing effort to promote a new generation of researchers able to operate at the interface between Education and Science.

The LASchool is funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and organized in collaboration with the Centro de Investigación Básica en Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias, and Núcleo Interdisciplinario en Ciencias Cognitivas, UdelaR, Uruguay.

The 4th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences will take place close to Punta del Este (Uruguay) in March 10-22, 2014. Punta del Este is a world renowned town thanks to its beautiful beaches and lively atmosphere. It is located in the East coast of Uruguay over the Atlantic ocean;  we believe this is the perfect setting to hold the 4th LASchool. The surroundings of Punta del Este are quiet and magnificent environments and, at the same time, not far away from a city with an international airport.

In previous editions more than 100 researchers have experienced the School, and many of them are joining us again to repeat this unique experience. Students and researchers will have the opportunity to share almost two weeks with plenty of time for interaction, feedback, cross-inspiration, and collaborations to take place.

Thanks to the James McDonnell Foundation, the LASchool provides full scholarships for 50 students and over 40 researchers.

If you would like to stay in touch with the LASchool, please leave us your email address here and we will contact you with news and updates.
